
I had always had red, rashy, sensitive skin that I did not take care of when I was very young. When I was 30, I decided to ditch the safeguard soap and try to take care of my skin. I used a lot of the high end brands like Clinique and Dr Payot ( which was “the best” of the times from Neimans). They all left my skin rashy. I stumbled upon some
“Help” moisturizer from Blue Calla and thought I had found heaven.

That’s when I started exploring and using all of the products in the Blue Calla Skin Care System and it was 30 years ago. Part of the routine when I get home after a long day is not only to take off my bra- but to take off my minimal make up and do my skin routine with Blue Calla, which takes just a minute. To not do that would be like sleeping with my bra on! I use the entire line of Blue Calla and love them all.

Best of all, people stop me to tell me how nice my skin looks and to ask me what I use. Patricia is a genius and a life saver. She truly cares about her products, you and your skin! Love her and Blue Calla. Try it–you won’t be sorry.